
Ra. One

Ra.One is India's most technologically advanced super hero film. When the director of the film Anubhav Sinha shared the idea with Shah Rukh, the first thing that he suggested was to bring Mushtaq Shiekh into the team to write the screenplay.
om shanti om

Om Shanti Om

Om Shanti Om, The screenplay was conceived and written by Mushtaq Shiekh and Farah Khan over a plate of idli sambar in a suburban restaurant. Everything about this movie is extremely filmy, Like the name Om Shanti Om
billu barbar

Billu Barber

Billu is a comedy of life, which talks about friendship and naturally when Mushtaq Shiekh wrote the screenplay for this film, there was a lot from his own experiences, he has penned down and noted director Priyadarshan
apna sapna money money

Apna Sapna Money Money

In a very different role, Mushtaq Shiekh who was the Vice President of Mukta Arts, backed this mad comedy and put this project for the company. The movie went on to become a huge success.